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The Trust Broker (TBA) maintains the African database of CSIRTs (also known as CERTs) and security teams. The teams in the TBA database are known as listed teams. A team's request to become listed is submitted to the accredited teams community (see How to become listed for further information).

Accredited and certified teams are a subset of the listed teams and fulfill the requirements of the formal TBA accreditation (see How to become accredited for further information).

Below you find the publicly available data for all listed teams - these data are maintained only on request or when errors are observed or reported, and are thus provided best effort only.

Additionally, the publicly available data for all accredited and certified teams are offered. These data are being maintained. The data on offer here are a small subset of the data available only to the accredited teams themselves.

Team Database

Searchable Team Database (requires Javascript)

Team Information as JSON data

All Teams Listed by the TBA Service teams.json JSON Schema

Team Information Lists

Team information for listed teams from A..Z by country
Team information for accredited teams from A..Z by country
Team information for certified teams from A..Z by country